Not very much to report for the past few days except being hit by lousy weather. Yesterday, the bus brought me here to Porto, via Aveiro, from Salamanca through torrential rain over the central highlands of Portugal. Stopped at several places along the way including this service station where prices were not sky high.
It wasn't rain that made my last day in Saramanca a difficult one but it was a bitterly cold wind that drove me back to the hostel much sooner than I would have liked. Even so I got some pictures down by the river and the long Roman bridge that crosses it.
And also, as have mentioned before, the storks love it here.

But as far as memories of Saramanca go, the monumental structures are impressive but other experiences such as the hostel and the many things that irritated me about it, have left me feeling very unimpressed in general. I think this picture of the hostel says it all. Not exactly oozing old worldly charm, is it.
When I arrived in Porto yesterday evening, the rain was having a rest which made it possible to find an eating place. Tapas, the bits and pieces that are so popular here, always seem to turn out more expensive than you plan for. But I was hungry so it had to be. Obviously the rain returned with a vengeance today.
Got exceedingly wet very quickly and not wanting spend the day in the hostel I decided on a train trip to Braga and back. For about 7 euro got myself two and a half hours in a comfortable warm place to dry out in.
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