Thursday, 20 February 2014


Air travel nowadays, with the cheapies, has become a bit of a nightmare as far as packing goes. Taking only cabin luggage, the art of knowing what to leave behind is paramount. However, it seems, so far, that little has been left out that really matters for a 3 week trip.

Arrived here for the second time, and looking out of the A320 window I spotted the blue sail shaped 'W' building on the shores of Barcelona. I knew then that the pilot hadn't taken me to Geneva instead, as happened a few days ago. 

The evening was cool but not cold as it was when I left Cz and the view from the back window of the hostel tells me that I am well and truly in Barcelona.
Cranes are still hovering over the organic spires of the Sagrada but it is believed that it wont be so many years, decades, or maybe centuries before the builders can finally put up their tools, and for most, probably retire. 

The day was dominated by the need to get a Madrid bus ticket and then a wander along the sea front to catch some of the sun that I hadn't had much experience of since Zambia 6 weeks ago. At least I found out what the Barcelona pensioners do on a pleasant day by the sea. 4 tables of old guys playing mostly dominoes which didn't seem a bad way of passing the time.

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